Contact Us
This website is designed & developed by National Informatics Center and maintained by Civil Aviation Department.
In case you have any queries regarding this website, you may write to the Web Information Manager at cavation[at]hry[dot]nic[dot]in
You can also contact us at the following address:
Civil Aviation Department
3rd Floor, 30 Bays Building,
Sector 17-B, Chandigarh.
Telephone: 0172-2709386
Telefax: 0172-2709174
Principal Secretary Email id:pscivilaviation[at]gmail[dot]com
HOD email-id: advisor[hyphen]cavn[at]hry[dot]gov[dot]in
Department Email-id: cavation[at]hry[dot]nic[dot]in
Haryana Institute of Civil Aviation (HICA)
CPL Inquiry: 8295330851
Office Email: hicachd[at]gmail[dot]com
Executive Director Email-id: hicaed[at]gmail[dot]com
HICA – Pinjore Email: pinjorehica[at]gmail[dot]com
HICA – Karnal Email: hicakarnal[at]rediffmail[dot]com, hicaknl[at]gmail[dot]com
Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO)
Name: Sh. Krishan Kumar
Mobile No: 9781115055